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What is Pray Volusia?

Pray Volusia is a platform for the Volusia County faith communities to share prayer requests, partner to pray for others, access events hosted by faith communities county-wide, and for faith leaders to stay connected and informed.

Some Background.

If you’ve attended any pastor’s or ministry leader’s events in the last few years, you’ve likely heard the goal of being more unified and connected as a larger faith community. This is something that has been on the hearts of leaders county-wide. However, it’s clear adding even more meetings isn’t the answer. And, despite the desire to meet together regularly and travel across the county and visit one another, ministry leaders must balance this with service to their congregation and community. For faith leaders, our goal is to both protect their time serving in the mission field, as well as enable an accessible and reliable means of connection and foster unity.

Media Items

Graphics and media to help share the APP and vision to churches, ministries, and the community. 

Current Features:

Community users can submit prayer requests.

Faith Leaders are notified or can check the app to post a pending request or remove it.

Community users can access posted prayer requests, select the “I’m Praying” button, and add requests to their “Prayer List.”

Community users can filter requests by category or by showing only their zip code.

Community users can view event feeds and access important information on upcoming events.

Faith Leaders can add community-wide events and events specifically for faith leaders.

Faith Leaders can access the Faith Leader chat interface which includes multiple chat categories.

Faith Leaders can access and add to the “Community Resources” directory.

Available in app prayer focused media such as centering prayer and soaking moments to be developed by Volusia County ministry leaders.

…and more to come  

For our Faith Community run by our Faith Community.

Download the app, begin sharing what you’re already doing, and join together in prayer for members of our community.

Upcoming Build (1.5)

◎ Daily Bible Reading Integration. Added ability for to show community-wide Scripture reading and associated media.

◎ Spanish Language Function. To better represent and serve our community we are developing a Spanish translation function to include out Spanish speaking faith communities.

◎ Community Event Repeated Option. Addition of repeat functionality in creating community events.

◎ Integrated Chat. For support and future use for faith leaders to connect with members of the community who ask for more direct pastoral needs.

Send a message or schedule a time to chat if you have any thoughts or ideas.

Feedback Questions and Suggestions

mobile app

Volusia County partnering together in prayer, community, missions, and increased unity.

Innovative applications, web interfaces, mobile UI/UX, and database development to power positive change.
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